Saturday, February 28, 2009


Jesus was not a Christian, Jesus was Jewish. The Christian faith we hold dear is rooted in the theology practiced by the Israelites for thousands of years, and by our Lord and Savior who was Jewish and said "Salvation is of the Jews" and also said, "Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill!" (Mat. 5:17). Jesus, referred to as "Rabbi" by followers, and "The King of the Jews" at the time of His death, was born and raised Jewish and fulfilled the word of God as the promised Messiah spoken of by the Prophet Isaiah.
In Matthew 25, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
I found out that the expression, "these brothers of mine" in this verse is a Greek word that refers to "relatives according to the flesh." So Jesus was speaking about the Jewish people when he said, "I was hungry and you didn't give me food. I was thirsty and you didn't give me water, I was naked and you didn't clothe Me." The disciples asked Him, "When did we see you in that condition?" And He responded that it was whenever they saw one of His own in that condition- his relatives. Jesus has compassion for the Jewish people and specifically calls us Gentiles who have been grafted into the Covenant of God, to support them. Also there is a blessing promised in the Bible to all those who honor Israel:
Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you." ... Remember how Egypt was blessed under Joseph- who helped the Jewish people, but Egypt was cursed under Pharaoh, who made the Jews their slaves... The Jewish people are still alive and well today and one day there will be a reuniting of God's chosen people to Himself when He reveals Himself to them as their Messiah.

I remember driving down the road one day and out of no where, my mouth formed the words, "One day I will dance on the streets of Jerusalem." I have no idea why I said that, but as soon as I said those words, I knew it was the revelation of the Holy Spirit to my heart and it just came right on up out of my mouth! I have since that time developed a special place in my heart for the Jewish people and Israel, and find myself captivated by speakers and books related to the return of Jesus. I also keep note of the persecutions the Jews still face and I am keenly aware of the subtle yet dangerous changes being made in our nation to leave their side. Whether or not the United States stands by Israel in the days ahead, I proclaim here on this little blog that I stand in support of Israel and the Jewish people and I will weep in Joy with them on the day they acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah. (see Zech. 12:10) The Lord has promised to never slumber nor sleep as He watches over Israel, the chosen people of God, who we share our heavenly inheritance with. The Jews have suffered under Haman, Pharaoh, Titus, Constantine, Chrysostom, Ferdinand and Isabella, Muhammad, Luther, Hitler, Khomeini, Saddam Husein, Osama bin Laden, Ahmadinejad ... and many others who attempt to validate their anti-Semetism and slaughter the Lord's elect, but the time is coming when the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will deliver them and be their Savior! Who knows the hour or the day- "Someday," (a song I wrote :)) ...maybe tomorrow, when the church will be raptured and the Lord's remaining people- the Jewish people will find themselves surrounded on all sides in need of deliverance. He has promised to deliver them, and keep them! God's covenant with Abraham was a blood covenant, as was the cross of Christ with us, and God's covenant to the Jewish people is still just as strong as His covenant with the gentiles. His word has not passed away. Jesus, "The King of the Jews," Lives! Israel Lives!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Everything's amazing, nobody's happy

...Here is a positive (and quite funny) way to look at where we are and where we might be headed... if we experience another crash, maybe we will learn together as a nation to be more thankful for the things we have- like our current freedom, inspiration of ideas, etc.. - and remember back to the basic life, see again what is most important in people... and let go of all that spoils.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A word needed

I just wanted to pass along a message I heard today at my home church. You can find it free on podcast at

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Milton Friedman - Greed

A good follow up to my last post.

Power Hungry

I loved my history class in school and I remember a thing or two about governments and how the power hunger of a few took down the freedom, hopes, dreams and actual lives of many. Big government is always presented as it is being presented now, a peaceful pursuit of "progress". Lets go back in history a minute...
In his rise to power, Hitler stated that it gave him great pleasure that the people did not know what was happening to them. Hitler's heinous acts were all made in his efforts to establish the "perfect system"... a one world system, he hoped to be King of. (side note: the other day as President Obama spoke to the people of Indiana, he referred to the White House as "My White House"... how humble!)
Here are a few more quotes from Hitler:
"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.”
— Adolf Hitler
"I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.” (THIS IS CALLED MANIPULATION FOLKS)
— Adolf Hitler
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
— Adolf Hitler
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
— Adolf Hitler
And just so you know, Hitler was a vegetarian, pro-abortion, pro-genocide, an advocate for strict gun control, desirous of universal health care, and continually extolling the virtues of state control.

But what does this mean for us? Obama wants to redistribute wealth...Isn't giving to the poor a good thing? And isn't being a person of "peace" a good thing and what's so wrong with appeasing your enemies rather then setting preconditions? Well, for starters, the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has called for the annihilation of Israel on more than one occasion, and has promised to be the man to do it. In that same breath, Iran is in the process of developing nuclear weapons. (While Obama makes steps to disarm ours) As Ahmadinejad has stated his aim is to annihilate Israel, has the power to give such an order, and is developing the capacity to meet such an end, it is reasonable to take this threat seriously. Appeasing an evil person like this only buys them time to assimilate their gun while you try to chat them out of a decision they've already made to kill their victim. Basically, you're watching them build their gun in front of the victim and tell them all the reasons they shouldn't kill them, and then, they kill the victim and you stand there with nothing else to say. There are approximately six million Jews in Israel today. Does that number sound familiar? Obama’s policy of appeasement has become U.S. policy, so Ahmadinejad might get his wish. "Never again," is the slogan of Holocaust survivors. As Obama enacts this policy, there will be deaths, lots of them. Perhaps then, when an entire nation is wiped off the map with millions dead, people will finally learn that appeasement does not work. But we didn't learn that lesson from Hitler and the first Holocaust?! Holocaust deniers often say: "Hitler never issued an order for the Final Solution." This is true. It was actually the brainchild of one his subordinates. Hitler merely allowed it to happen, and in doing so, was responsible for it. As Obama follows his stated position regarding Iran, he will find himself in a similar position - staring at the annihilation of six million innocent lives and in a self put position to do nothing to stop it.

"The nation was in shambles. A previous ruler had led the country into an unnecessary war, the economy was failing, and a sense of depression filled the air. Then, a new leader emerged. He was a powerful speaker, offering hope, change, and a fix to the economy. He wrote two books about his experiences and used his literary work to propel him to success. He was an open christian with some Muslim friends. He called for unity and considered himself an advocate of peace... his name was Hitler."

President Obama has come to power in the perfect storm.
Americans are being distracted by euphoric hopes for a more green environment and being brainwashed with the unrealistic notion that capitalism is greed and socialism and larger government control is the only solution to end greed help our economy, and bring equality for all. Nonsense! Are the greedy only outside White House Walls? Would you rather the government distribute your wealth to the poor (if that is really where it's going) or would YOU rather distribute your wealth to the poor? And lets see, Has there ever been a BIG government system where this euphoric sense of peace, sharing with the poor, freedom, and hope, etc. actually existed? Nope! The result of Socialist rule, always ends with the plumit of economy, (a very large poor class and large upper government owned class, no middle class)silence and fear of the people vs. voice of the people, wars, genocide, famine, hate, more greed, and eventual tyrant rule.

BIG Government is back, and no matter how many ways you look at it, we as Americans are experiencing the beginnings of BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG SPENDING, and a BIG COLD WAR... or should I say BIG WORLD WAR III...
The Bible says "the borrower is servant to the lender." You can't spend money you don't have, (we don't have 900 billion dollars) and the Bible also says to make peace where it's possible, which means that sometimes it's just not. Many Presidents before this one have tried the appeasement method with Iran, and it didn't work. Who could appease Hitler? Who stopped him from killing 6 million Jews? When we as a nation purposefully plumit ourselves into a debt we can never repay, we are owned, and who owns us? Is it the likes of evil men like Ahmadinejad, who are now making preconditions to talk with us? Evil has always existed in EVERY society but more in some than others, which is exactly why power hungry govrnments will fail us over and over again, because no tyrant can be trusted, no government should have total control of you or your money, be they green friendly or not... because that kind of control will render you powerless in the face of a second Holocaust.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dave Ramsey Livid Over Obama Stimulus Bill

Here is Dave's opinion on the Stimulus package. I listen to Dave all the time and trust his opinion and proven ability to truly help people get out of a financial crisis. Listen to what he says!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 random things

1. I love the color green and this love of green has somehow been passed down to my youngest son Ethan, who loves green with a passion much deeper than my own.

2. I really enjoy watching people kiss on TV or in movies and I will mentally rate a movie on the believability and passion displayed during the love scene. (LOVED "The Notebook")

3. I get goose bumps talking about anything concerning the return of Jesus.

4. When I walk in a room of people I tend to evaluate moods and gravitate towards those I suspect feel the most uncomfortable. I've done this, according to others, since I was little...

5. One time I was with my Grandma in the grocery store when I was 3 years old and asked an older man if he knew Jesus loved him.

6. I was called a wicked woman, "the cause of Adam's sin," and the "daughter of Jezebel" on a megaphone in front of a crowd of several hundred at the Washington Monument in D.C. This took place right after I told the public speaker and audience that I had actually not come forward to repent, but rather to say "God loves you" to everyone walking by that this man was, by profile observation, name calling. Also stating that it was wrong of him to tell them God hated them for their sin. God hates sin, not the sinner. I was escorted off the premises. :)

7. I still hope that someday there will be a cure for autism or that at least I will be able to communicate better with my two sons who have it.

8. I feel so good inside when I am cuddling or being cuddled.

9. I love really sour pickles! Like face distorting sour!

10. I read "Redeeming Love," 4 times all the way through and periodically read certain chapters again still.

11. My first true crush and sheer excitement over a boy was for the star pilot in the movie, "Iron Eagle"... I was 8 and remember thinking- Wow! I have never felt anything like this before! :)

12. I have been on 13 mission trips and long to go on more some day.

13. I love suspense movies and in depth plots with a mystery to solve! I tend to day dream afterwards that I work for the F.B.I. or something and have some sort of really difficult, special mission to do...that involves a fitted black leather jump suit and special gadgets disguised as facial make up applicators!

14. I change my hair color a lot, and I enjoy the changes.

15. I have never seen a live football game with actual school or college teams playing. My high school didn't have football and I went to community college, thus I never got around to personally witnessing an actual football game. (only TV) I hope to get taken to a football game on a date with my future boyfriend... I have no idea who that would be or when that would happen- but hopefully before I'm 50.

16. I am a sissy at sushi but love the sissy rolls, California and crunchy being my favorites. I am as excited as a kid at Japanese restaurants where they cook the food in front of you! I like to audibly cheer the name of the cook while he does tricks with the flames!

17. Maybe it goes with my F.B.I. wish, but I daily track terrorist activity and find venues on the web to speak out against Islamic supremacist ideologies and acts of violence made under this ideology for the dual purpose of sharing Christ's "love your enemies" ideology and and the ideology and declaration that equality and liberty are essential to human rights and peace.

18. I'm not a big fan of socks and other needless garments.

19. Long, fake nails scare me a little bit when I think about all the yucky microscopic goo that remains in there even after hand washing.

20. I can pack for two weeks using one "carry on" sized back pack and a small purse and have everything I need to maintain good hygiene and appearance. (I took a "packing for missions" class way back and never forgot the art of how to "roll it up tight!")

21. I was on the 700 club (probably never heard of it) to do a testimony reenactment when I was little. I was playing the roll of my mom when she was little, being abused and left alone in dirty conditions.

22. The thought of sharing the Good News of Jesus gets me excited but I never know when it is appropriate. I sometimes imagine that if I knew, for example, that Jesus was coming back next week, this week I would tell every stranger on the street simply out of mercy for their souls.

23. I find huckleberry frappachinos (sure I spelled that wrong) from High Point Coffee, to be the most delicious drink on the planet!

24. I love surprises!

25. I don't believe in the idea that some people are just "always negative." I do believe however, that these people are just HURTING inside.