Friday, April 24, 2009

I'm Moving!

Well folks, I'm moving to Cordova next week. This is a huge step for me because I have actually never lived on my own before. I married right after high school and then, as most of you know, moved back in with my parents after the divorce to go back to school and get on my feet. My parents have been a huge blessing and though I pay rent here to help out, I feel that the best thing for me to do at this stage of life is to live on my own with the boys for a while, especially before I get married- IF I ever get married... and if I don't, then I need to embrace this eventually anyway. I have no doubt things will be tight financially, but I have always been frugal with money and I believe that the boys and I will make it on our own with God's help. I think the biggest challenge will not be the financial budget challenge however. I think the biggest challenge is being by myself- which is exactly why I need to face it. I have the boys half of the week but the other half I don't. There is work during the day and plenty of work to do at home to keep me busy, but I will be on my own for a good amount of the time. One great thing about the Registry apartments is that they are SO close to Aidan and Ethan's school and daycare. I still have a little ways to drive to work but I would have that drive either way. Oh... and I'm on the third floor (ahhh!) ... that was all that was available. Looks like Ethan is going to get lots of practice going up and down the stairs (he's had trouble with that). Aidan will fly up and down them, and I will be telling him to wait for us, and getting a little more exercise myself- I'm sure. :) Anyway, it seems like a safe apartment complex and our apartment building (see picture above) is close to the pool and playground which is great! Please say a prayer for us as we move and make life's next transition. I have a few praise reports too. A couple of friends have offered to help me move, and Gib, one of our pastors at Living Hope, is giving the boys and I a table and 4 chairs. We didn't have a kitchen table and now we will so that is a big blessing! Well, I'm going to stop typing and go do some much needed packing... I actually enjoy packing. Enjoy your weekend, because the weather is supposed to be really nice. Cheers! ;)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a good Easter! It's been a quiet weekend, but I've caught up on some much needed sleep. I haven't really put much effort into blogging lately. But I thought I'd post some life updates. First of all, and most importantly, the boys are doing well. They surprise me in little ways all the time by the things they are learning and coming to realize. Ethan is quite the Momma's boy, still wants me to hold him all the time- which I love and soak it up! Aidan gives me hugs and loving but his closeness seems to come when I give him verbal praise. He loves me to watch him do things, or clap when he pronounces something correctly. They are both a sheer joy in my life and i am ever so grateful for them. Secondly, I have a new job. For the past few months I've been working for Dr. Stanley and Dr. Scott Werner. It has been a huge learning experience for me since I arrived, but I love the people I work with and both of the Orthodontist's are good doctors that I would trust my own children's mouth's with... and I honestly couldn't say that about my last employer. It has been a very tough job to learn what I've learned so far, and I still have a long way to go, but I appreciate their dedication to excellence with each patient and I believe in time I will not feel as overwhelmed by the job. Mainly, it's the computer system I am adjusting to that seems the most complicated of my duties. Patient charts are still used but everything, including x-rays has gone digital. I work with 12 other ladies and both doctors, so we are a busy office and very fast paced, which I enjoy. And each day is new and exciting and I never know what I'm going to be dealing with. I am also starting to get to know some of the teenagers (since they come see us to get their braces tightened every month or so) and it is a real blessing to talk with them. And last but not least, there is Adam, a very handsome 36 year old fireman who I've been dating for about a month now. I had been on a few dates here and there before, but just hadn't clicked with anyone in terms of a real relationship. We still need to get to know each other better for sure, but I'm hopeful. He has a son named Sam, who is seven years old, so he already understands the demands of parenthood, which is nice. Anyways... nothing too serious, just thought I'd update my friends and family in case you were interested. ;) May everyone have a great Easter and enjoy the week ahead! Blessings and Love!