Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Buddy System

No body should be without a buddy! One reason I had two kids instead of one, was for the simple fact that I wanted my children to have each other as friends. Since my sons are Autistic and my youngest, Ethan, has more set backs than my eldest, Aidan, they are not able to really play with each other yet. When we go out to public play grounds Ethan is happily in his own little world while Aidan recognizes other children are present and wants to engage in play. I recently shared something with a friend that I want to share here because I wonder how many of us live with similar feelings and wonder if we are alone in them...
The feeling of fear has visited me off and on for different reasons and seasons in my life. Fear of being alone (not like one night, but a lifetime of nights), fear of not being known, the unknown, and fear on behalf of others who fear. The Bible says to not be afraid, and I know this is our command, but we face the temptation daily to not only fear for ourselves, but take on the fears of those around us. Why? Fear is contagious. (More on that later.) Good thing is, Love is contagious too!
And now, our weekend McDonald's trip: I took them to the McDonald's play ground this weekend and a group of girls that Aidan wanted to play with told him to go away, telling him that something was wrong with him and she wanted all the boys to leave. (my boys were the only boys in the room) Aidan seemed oblivious at first but then she kept telling him something was wrong with him and to go away and I saw the hurt on my son's face. He went over and stood by the window. My heart broke. I cried for a minute and then I realized he had turned and was watching me. All of a sudden I decided to ignore the “size” rule for the play ground... I smiled at him and took off up the tubes of the playground and told him to come get me! Within minutes we were playing and having a good time- my hair in an outstretched static ball from the slides, we played. I know I can not always be there for Aidan, and I know he may face ridicule and rejection again, but for every moment I can offer myself I will be his buddy when he has none.
The Bible says, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear."(1John 4:18) When I remember this verse I remember that God IS love, and He loves me, Aidan, and Ethan. His Love can stand strong in us despite the rejection we face, despite ridicule, despite a seeming loneliness that utters lies of our true state; which is Christ in us, Christ behind us, Christ before us.
"For He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; What can man do to me?"
He is the Buddy that sticks closer than a brother. And that's the Buddy System. If I impart anything to my children, let it be the Love of God! When it comes down to it, that's everything we need.


  1. beautifully written. it is so hard to see someone else hurting and feel there is little you can do. glad you were able to step into that moment. thanks for the good word.


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